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Forcepoint DLP 荣获 Forrester Wave Q1/2023 的 Data Security Platform 资料安全平台之领导者象限

Forcepoint  Data Security / DLP 产品荣获 Forrester Wave Q1/2023  Data Security Platform 资料安全平台之领导者象限。

"Organizations seeking a strong technology partner for enabling a Zero Trust approach and risk-adaptive data security controls should consider Forcepoint."
研调机构 Forrester说: 任何组织如果需要找寻一个很强的技术夥伴来实现零信任方法,以及依据风险状态(risk-adpative)的资料安全控管,可以考虑Forcepoint)
 - The Forrester Wave™: Data Security Platforms, Q1 2023 report

Data security platforms can support and sustain compliance, enable Zero Trust and streamline your data security strategy, but there is a diverse set of vendors to choose from. Understanding the value each vendor provides can help you determine which solution is best for your organization.

Data Security Platform可以支持和维持法规遵循、实现零信任,并简化您的资料安全策略,但市面有多种供应商的方案可供选择。 了解每个供应商提供的价值可以帮助您确定哪种解决方案最适合您的组织。

Forcepoint equips users with an all-inclusive suite of data security products that enables discovery, classification, monitoring, and protection of your data. Forcepoint Enterprise DLP delivers out-of-the-box functionality to accelerate time-to-value, without sacrificing performance.

Forcepoint 为用户配备了一套功能涵盖面很广的资料安全产品,可以盘点、分类、监控和保护您的资料。 Forcepoint Enterprise DLP 提供开箱即用的功能,可在不牺牲性能的情况下加快价值实现时间,达成预期的效益。

The insight you will gain from The Forrester Wave™ report will help you make an informed decision about the most important features to evaluate in a data security platform.

您将从 Forrester Wave™ 报告中获得的洞察力将帮助您就数据安全平台中要评估的最重要功能做出明智的决定。